Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Alright, so I finally did something I had planned to for years. As superficial as it sounds, I went tanning! I really had never gone before. But I'm getting tired of all my tan lines and we are going to the beach next week for vacation. So Garr kept pushing me to go try it. (I do love having a husband who doesn't mind (actually likes!) if I do things for me!) The lady gave me a tour and offered me a free session today since I've never tanned before. She put me in the lightest (read: cheapest) tanning bed and only set it for 10 min. It was a bit scary to pull the top of the bed down and "shut" myself in there. But after about 6 minutes, I started to relax and enjoy myself. I even sang along a little with "Pretty Woman" on the radio. Well, I'm not enjoying myself tonight! I'm burned!! The price we pay to be beautiful! Ouch!

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